Invitation to the Japan – Nepal Friendship Society.
Our Association is the young organization that was established as a general incorporated association to May 11, 2012.
The purpose of the establishment, one is to promote the friendship between Japan and Nepal, other is to help that the Nepal people industrialize with their own hands in Nepal.Articles of our Association are eight business as follow.
1, various events business to build a better friendship and friendship relations between Japan and Nepal
2,policy presentation and consulting business for construction the Nepalese self- supporting economic and industrial promotion
3, support services necessary for the Nepalese culture and education promotion
4, tourism promotion business utilizing the abundant tourism resources of Nepal
5, publishing and video production business related to Japan and Nepal
6, trade business between Japan and Nepal
7, culture school management businesses such as Nepali classroom
8, information provision and content production business related to Nepal
<当会の年会費>< Annual membership fee of our Society>
正会員:個人 3,000円(日本人)、 個人 2,000円(ネパール人)、
Full member: individual 3,000 yen (Japanese), individual 2,000 yen (Nepalese),
Corporations and organizations:10,000 yen
賛助会員:個人 10,000円、法人・団体 20,000円
Supporting member: individual 10,000yen, Corporations and organizations: 20,000 yen
<年会費振込先><Payee bank of annual fee>
①みずほ銀行(池袋支店)店番号:230、口座番号:1687799 (普通預金)
① Mizuho Bank (Ikebukuro Branch) shop number: 230, account number: 1687799 (ordinary deposit)
一般社団法人日本-ネパール親善協会< Japan – Nepal Friendship Society>
②郵貯銀行(店名:〇一八)、店番号:018、口座番号:1654918 (普通預金)
② Japan Post Bank (Name:〇一八), shop number: 018, account number: 1654918 (ordinary deposit)
Japan-Nepal Friendship Society
<問い合せ先><Contact> URL:http://japanepal.org E-Mail:info@japanepal.org
一般社団法人日本-ネパール親善協会 会員事業部会員係 本部:東京都豊島区東池袋1-14-12本多ビル
Japan-Nepal Friendship Society member engagement Headquarters: Honda building 1-14-12
Higashiikebukuro Toshima-ku, Tokyo
電話:03-5985-4945 FAX:03-5985-4954
Telephone: 03-5985-4945 FAX: 03-5985-4954
<会員恩典><Member benefits>
① journal (Japanepakabaru) Free reading, ②preferential participation in various projects of the
our Society, ③ introduction and support of Nepal business,④ Supporting to get Nepal information,
⑤courtesy discount for various events of our Society, ⑥ discount preferential treatment in our
society’s partner stores and Nepal Restaurant etc.
- 問い合せ先 一般社団法人日本-ネパール親善協会 会員事業部会員係 〒170-0013 東京都豊島区東池袋1-14-12本多ビル TEL. 03-5985-4945 FAX. 03-5985-4954 E-mail. info@japanepal.org 入会申込書をこちらからダウンロードして下さい
- プライバシーポリシー 会員の個人情報は、会員に対し当協会の情報をご提供する 目的以外には使用しません。 会員よりご提供いただいた個人情報は、適切かつ安全に管理いたします。